02 October 2008
R.I.P Kamille (my hard drive)
September was definitely a rough month. Not only did I have to reconstruct many of my teaching materials for the new semester, I had to reconstruct the dissertation chapter I'd been drafting. On top of it all, I had to do all that with very limited computer or internet access. I didn't realize until this mess how highly dependent I'd been on my computer & on having steady access to the internet!
R.I.P. Kamille
Long live Mnemosyne!!!
the mac doctor resuscitated my poor computer by having to install a new hard drive (um, a new BLANK hard drive, btw!).
Rather than naming the drive after a warrior who died young in battle, my new one is named after the mother of the Muses -- her name, appropriately, means "memory" ;) i'm hoping that will help! LOL.
Many, many, many apologies to my recent & current swap partners -- I'm sorry you got me! However, I'm catching up & y'all should be finding packages in your mailboxes shortly. Thank you for your patience!
05 September 2008
computer crashed!!
19 August 2008
Q & A for Falling for Ewe swap
I prefer to knit and am an intermediate level knitter. I can crochet, but it seems to aggravate my tendonitis, so don't do it much.
2. Do you spin? What type of spinning do you do?
3. Are there any other crafts that you participate in?
I bake.
4. What are your favorite yarns/fibers?
I prefer natural fibers, though some blends are ok.
5. What are your LEAST favorite yarns/fibers?
Acrylic/Synthetics/novelty yarns/boucle
6. Are there any types/brands of yarn that you are dying to work with but haven’t gotten a chance? Um, sure...Sundara sock yarn, Wollmeise, ya know...indie dyers like that :)
7. What are your favorite types of projects to knit/crochet?
Socks and other accessories cause they are quick
8. What are you currently working on? Anything you plan to start this autumn?
I'm knitting socks :) I also have a beret that I'm working on. I'll prolly start a sweater of some sort in the autumn...definitely i'll make gloves/mittens/mitts and other winter accessories!!
9. What is your favorite FO? (Please, post a picture if you would like.)
my FO -- they ones of which i have pictures, anyway, -- are on ravelry.
10. What is your oldest UFO?
it's also pictured on Ravelry -- it's a cami that I started in January
11. Are their any knitting/crochet techniques that you would like to learn?
I suppose I will eventually learn Fair Isle...
12. Are you a sock knitter? What are your foot measurements?
I am a sock knitter. Women's Medium (size 7.5 shoe), 8.5" length & diameter, I believe
13. Do you have a yarn winder and/or a swift?
YEs, both.
14. Where/how to you keep you needles/hooks?
In disarray, at the moment!
15. Do you collect anything?
Wonder Woman and Joan of Arc paraphenalia. Rita Hayworth stuff.
16. What is your favorite type of music? Are you MP3 ready?
I really do have eclectic tastes...i like most types, from disco to heavy metal. Yes, i am MP3 ready (i use iTunes)
17. Do you like sweets? What are your favorites?
Caramel and Haribo gummies
18. What is your living situation like? Any pets? Children?
Cats and a dog.
19. Are you allergic to anything?
Nothing relevant
20. Do you have an online wish list (Amazon, Etsy, Loopy Ewe, etc.)? Please include links for your swap pal.
Yes, I have an Amazon wish list and the link is on the side. I guess you could also say that my Ravelry queue is a wish list.
21. Are you having a birthday during this swap?
22. What is your Ravelry ID? SaucyMinx
11 August 2008

Sock Yarn from your Stash 4 swap
Originally uploaded by Saucy Minx Knits
Wow, what a day! I love coming home from being out of town and having so much mail, lol!!!
After I got home from work today, though, there was yet another package -- how lucky am i?!
This one is from Larissa.....thanks! Wow, everything was beautifully wrapped in a gorgeous fabric and many things she made herself! She sent me some sock yarn, a pattern for it, sock needles, a cute pocket mirror, a project bag for socks, candy, loads of tea, darling stitch markers and a little pocket for them...all kinds of goodies! It even arrived in a useful box!

Swap on a budget
Originally uploaded by Saucy Minx Knits
Thanks to FruitySpirit for these adorable swap goodies!! I love the pink RYC Cashcotton yarn! She made the stitch markers AND the little post-it notebook on the left, wow!

Sock yarn from your stash 3 swap
Originally uploaded by Saucy Minx Knits
Goodies from yohopaulie! she knew i liked vintage and medieval stuff, so sent a medieval pattern, a vintage tank top pattern, a journal, Nancy Bush's Knitting Vintage Socks book!!!, a Marilyn Monroe tote bag!, and sockyarn that she dyed!!

Secret Pal 12
Originally uploaded by Saucy Minx Knits
Got a box off goodies from my Secret Pal 12!! She sent me Jacquard dyes in red and blue and a sock flat to dye :) She also sent me a set of Harmony DPNs, size 1 (2.25mm), but those went straight into my knitting bag :)
Thank you, Secret Pal!!

Summer Swap
Originally uploaded by Saucy Minx Knits
thanks to mprsdrose!! awesome goodies from Canada! lots of hot chocolate, cute notepads, a Canada pin, malabrigo yarn and a pattern for it, truffles, a silk bag for jewelry, and a lavender sachet :)
This is all in addition to the bok she sent me previously, FItted Knits!

EZ bday swap!
Originally uploaded by Saucy Minx Knits
Happy Birthday, Elizabeth Zimmerman!
Heh, I"m the one who got the gifts, though :) Many thanks to patternho over at Revelry for this great package! She sent me EZ's Knitting Workshop (which I didn't have, but wanted), some Cajun dirty rice mix, a journal, some caramel (yum!), stitch markers that she made, sugar n cream cotton, and some Elisabeth Lavold Silky Wool in a really pretty turquoise!
31 July 2008
Dear Swap Partners....
28 July 2008

Summer of Love yarn swap July
Originally uploaded by Saucy Minx Knits
My secret pal is the most generous person EVAH! Who else could bear to part with not 1, not 2, but *3* skeins of Socks That Rock????? Yep, she sent me 3 skeins (Love-in-Idleness, Backstabber, and Pink Granite -- i've been coveting this colorway in particular!) as well as 2 skeins of Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock yarn in Pink Blossom. She also included a bazillion sock patterns, a sock keychain, a bracelet, treats for the kitties, and some pretty cloth napkins ( a previous swapper had made some adorable napkin rings for me and these napkins are to go with them :).
Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!
Here is the yarn up close & personal:

Petunia & Basil duking it out for the last treat in the bowl...

Vivi scarfing hers:

Knewbie Kit Swap goodies
Originally uploaded by Saucy Minx Knits
1stitchwonder sent me a PINK-themed package -- how kewl! (In mid-June she had sent me a pick-me-up package of Creative Knitting mag & Wether's candy since I was in the midst of moving --- she's super thoughtful!).
There is a little purse, Orbit gum, hand lotion, bubble bath, Godiva hot chocolate, knitting needles, and loads of Debbie Bliss Cathay yarn to make the Clapotis scarf!! Best of all, she knitted the Airy Scarf for me in such a pretty color! Amanda, you rock!
Books & More swap goodies

Originally uploaded by Saucy Minx Knits
MSUteachergirl from Ravelry sent me this fab package! How did she know I wanted to learn to dye socks??? Yay, I'm excited to be able to do so, since she sent me two pots of Jacquard dyes and a skein of BARE from Knit Picks :) She also sent me the book Knitting on the Road by Nancy Bush -- I love her patterns and I've been wanting this book!
She also sent me a skein of Vesper Yarn in Knit and Tonic as well as a pair of cozy socks for winter that she knitted for me -- I'm touched! Thank you!

Knitter's Treasure swap
Originally uploaded by Saucy Minx Knits
Swamplily sent me this great package of goodies!! Wow, 4 skeins of a pretty pink yarn, a cupcake making kit, Godiva hot chocolate, Nonni's biscotti, Vogue knitting, the Yarn Harlot's Meditations for Women who Knit too much, and she also sent me two book markers that she made as well as some stitch markers -- so cute!!! Thank you so much!
21 July 2008
i just got the BESTEST package EVAH from my secret pal from the Summer of Love Yarn swap!!!!!
She knew I had joined in the sock knitting craze and so she sent me this MAGNIFICENT package of sock knitting goodies! I just opened before having to rush out of the house, so pictures will be posted later tonight.
she sent me not 1, not 2, but 3!!!! 3!!!! 3!!!! skeins of Socks that Rock yarn!!!! i almost fainted at the sight! miracle of miracles, somehow she must have read my mind or saw that i have been stalking folks with the PINK GRANITE colorway because i have been coveting that for ever so long! YAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!
10 July 2008
Questions someone asked me recently...
Embrace the Night by Karen Chance (Urban fantasy, my fave genre, though she isn't my fave author)
2. What is your favorite tv show (currently on tv)?
Dancing with the Stars and So you think you can dance :)
I'm also a Law & Order junkie (all of them!). Bones, Weeds, and Dexter are a couple of other favorites.
3. Do you have any animals? I have 3 kitties -- two of them you can see on my blog "guarding" some stuff :) I also live with a dog (he belongs to my roommate)
Was there not a 4? Or did I lose it, lol?
5. Where did you go to college? Lol, you sure want to ask this? Ok: I did undergrad at UC Davis (English & Women's Studies); Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing at Texas State University at San Marcos, and MA/Ph.D. in medieval literature at U Massachusetts, Amherst (I'm still working on my dissertation so am not yet done with the doctorate)
6. What's the farthest away from home you have ever travelled?
Europe -- specifically Spain, Germany, and Austria
7. If you could go anywhere on vacation, where would
it be?
My dream is to tour all the castles in Europe and Thailand :) I'd also like to go to Iceland -- no castles, but it's a great place for medievalists!
8. Do you like to cook or bake?
Both, but my real avocation is baking -- i have fantasies of becoming a pastry chef :) My yarn collection barely rivals my collection of baking pans and tools!!
Any hobbies you have outside of knitting? Baking and Chocolate/Candy making.
9. What is your favorite food? Um, my fave meal is a cheeseburger and fries.....sigh. i also love vanilla malt shakes.
10. Do you listen to knitting podcasts? If so, which
is your favorite? Nope -- can you turn me onto a good (knitting or fiber) one?
11. What is your favorite kind of weather? Cool sweater weather -- i used to say 50s, but now that i'm acclimated to the NE, i like, oh, 35-50s best :)
12. What is your pet peeve?
oh geez, loads of them, hahaha. rude and/or inconsiderate people in general (truly, this covers a lot of them!)
13. What are you knitting right now? Socks for Warm Woolies
Yikes, I thought I had posted this long ago! SP12
1. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with? What fibers do you absolutely *not* like?
I really like to make socks, so I love the indie/hand-dyed yarns...the usual suspects like Sundara, Zen Garden, Yarntini, Socks that Rock, etc, but am also into trying out lesser know/just starting out folks.
In general, I prefer natural fibers over synthetics, though synths can be ok in a blend. I use bulky weight wool yarn to knit things for Warm Woolies, but other than that my fave yarn weights are fingering to worsted.
2. What do you use to store your needles/hooks in? eeeeks!! in random places....they are not at all organized (definitely a project that needs to be done). *AHEM* i can always use more sock needles, i.e. DPNs (bamboo/wood or metal) or metal 24" circs (Knit Picks or ADDIs)....lol
3. How long have you been knitting & how did you learn? Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate or advanced? i learned as a child, but only recently took it up again as i tended to favor crochet since i was faster at it. Intermediate.
4. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list? See the button on the sidebar :)
5. What's your favorite scent? i tend to prefer floral scents....jasmine, lily, gardenia, camelia, magnolia, etc.
6. Do you have a sweet tooth? Favorite candy? CARAMEL! dark chocolate! Haribo gummies!
7. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do? Do you spin? I bake, knit, sew. In the winter I also make candy and chocolate. I"d love to learn to dye and spin yarn someday.
8. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? i have rather eccletic tastes -- 80s, disco, alternative, hard rock/metal, trip hop...
9. What's your favorite color(s)? Any colors you just can't stand? Fave colors: pinks, blue-reds, violets, greens, teal/blue-greens, rich browns....I am not at all fond of orange or rusty, earth colors.
10. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets? I am single. I have three kitties and also live with a dog.
11. Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens or ponchos? I wear scarves, berets, mittens, gloves, mitts, fingerless gloves. I especially love them in sets!
12. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit? socks and other accessories (see above).
13. What are you knitting right now? socks, dishcloths, and a beret.
14. Do you like to receive handmade gifts? adore them!
15. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Bamboo, aluminum, plastic? I prefer wood or bamboo or metal DPNs and metal circs (in general Knit Picks and Addis)
16. Do you own a yarn winder and/or swift? NO, rats.
17. How old is your oldest UFO? about 8 months.
18. What is your favorite holiday? Halloween.
19. Is there anything that you collect? yarn and patterns for knitting :) Wonder Woman and Joan of Arc stuff. Rita Hayworth, Natalie Wood, Doris Day, pin-up girl stuff.
20. Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have? see wish list on the side. i have a sub to IK and supposedly one for Creative Knitting (it has yet to arrive). As for yarns and needles...see questions 1 & 2 above. I have a huge wish list/queue on ravelry for patterns!
21. Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn? yarn dyeing, Fair Isle at some point, i'm sure there is lots i don't know!
22. Are you a sock knitter? What are your foot measurements? Yes.
23. When is your birthday? March 13
24. Are you on Ravelry? If so, what's your ID? SaucyMinx
08 July 2008
Step 0 -- Upon opening the box, here is what I found: a super cool-looking vintage pattern for a hood (how glamorous!), some homemade caramel and dark chocolates (yum!) and the Mmagic Yarn ball.

Step 1 -- after beginning to unravel the pretty blue Berroco Merino yarn, I found the first yarn ball goodie: a barrette featuring pin-up girls!! (Marilyn Monroe on the left, Bettie Page in the middle, and someone I didn't recognize on the right, though I'd guess Jayne Mansfield cause of the boobage, lol)

Step 2 -- a Rita Hayworth "Gilda" poster-decorated little metal case filled with stitch markers made by Megdoula!! I have this same framed print -- I love this movie and adore this little case!!

My camera does not like to photograph stitch markers, so here's a (blurry) close-up:

They are gorgeous! I"ll have to try for a better photo of them, sigh. This pic does not do them justice at all.
Step 3 -- Coming closer to the center of the yarn ball, I found a Lantern Moon tape measure!! I LOVE it -- it's a cake (ha, ha, ha -- it goes perfectly with the "cheesecake" of the other items ;)

Step 4 -- Cute little tags for handknit creations!!

Step 5 -- The ball is unraveled!!! Within the center of it I found 2 huge hanks of MMmmalabrigo worsted in bee-yu-tee-full colors!!!

Wow, was I spoiled or what?!!!!
Megdoula, you are the BEST!!!!! Thank you for choosing me to spoil, I really lucked out :)

Originally uploaded by Saucy Minx Knits
Naturally, after Vivi saw Petunia on my scarf, she had to follow suit. She decided she needed to guard my goodies from the MMmmalabrigo Mmagic Yarn Ball swap. Apparently she is calling the delicious-looking hommade caramel (yum!!!) and chocolate that Megdoula from Ravelry sent me. Ha! The caramel is Mine, mine, mine!!

Originally uploaded by Saucy Minx Knits
Here's Petunia on the scarf I finished. Of course, she just had to settle down *right there* as I was taking pictures.
05 July 2008

Originally uploaded by Saucy Minx Knits
My thanks to KnittingAngel on Ravelry!!
She sent me Veronik Avery’s Lace Ribbon Scarf pattern – I love this designer and this is a beautiful scarf! I can’t wait to knit it up! She also sent me some yummy Malabrigo lace in Rich Chocholate (2 skeins) with the swatch knitted up. As a bonus, she also gave me two skeins of Alpaca in another lovely shade of brown! In addition, there’s a cute little notepad, a stitch counter, stitch marker, and – i’m SO excited about this – a Lantern Moon sheep retractable tape measure!!!! I’ve been lusting after one of these and now I have one! yay!!!!!
Thank you, thank you!!!!
Knitter's Holiday Swap for June

Originally uploaded by Saucy Minx Knits
How lucky can one girl be? Three skeins of beautiful sock yarn in one package!! Thanks to PeachTart on Ravelry for the ice cream-themed package. She handdyed two of the skeins herself, the white, pink, and red one is inspired by Cherry Garcia, yum! The skein to the left of that I've already decided to use to cast on Sockbug's River Rapids Socks. PeachTart also sent my my very fist skein of Lime & Violet's sock yarn!! (It represents Caramel Cone, my other fave ice cream flavor :)
01 July 2008

Originally uploaded by Saucy Minx Knits
Look at these beautiful napkin rings i received from the Cotton Lovers BBQ swap on Ravelry! Sunmoon made me 6 of these beauties :)
24 June 2008
Summer of Love Yarn Swap....
Although your package arrived several days ago to my new place, I just arrived over the weekend, so please do accept my apology for the lag in thanking you!!
Thank you, thank you for the beautiful combination of Mission Falls wool & the mohair! I'm going to have to come up with a way to use them together as they coordinate beautifully (prolly a scarf with the mohair & then a hat and gloves with the Mission Falls :) *beaming* i love the colors!!!! thank you! the stitch markers are freakin' adorable, too! i love them :)
I don't know where my cable is to hook up my camera, lol, so once i find it i'll post a picture.
EDIT: picture time!


Finished these at the beginning of June sometime. Am making a scarf & beret to match (winging it from the mitten pattern). The scarf is about half done. I'll modify Ysolda Teague's beret pattern so that the cables match the ones on the mittens.
These were knit with Lamb's Pride worsted in aubergine.
The big move.....
03 June 2008
Q & A for Summer of Love swap....
1. Do you knit or crochet? How long have you been at your craft? I both knit & crochet, but prefer to knit. I'm an intermediate level knitter
2. Do you spin? What type of spinning? nope, not yet!
3. What are your favorite yarns/fibers? i prefer natural fibers: wool, silk, cashmere, alpaca, cotton, tencel, sea silk, bamboo, and blends thereof. microfiber in a blend is fine, tooWhat are your least favorite yarns/fibers? acrylics/all synthetic
4. What are your favorite colors? greens, teal, violet, blue-reds, burgundies, pinks, rich brownsWhat are your least favorite colors?orange, rust...
5. Are there any yarns/brands that you are dying to work with but never have? i'm currently addicted to hand-dyed sock yarns!
6. What is/are your favorite types of projects to knit/crochet? i like the satisfaction of completing something, so i tend to knits lots of quicker projects like socks, mittens/gloves, berets, purses/bags, tanks/camisoles...but i usually also have a more time-consuming project on the needles....
7. What are you currently working on? right now i have a lace-weight baby sweater on the needles, a scarf and beret set, a dishcloth (i work on this as i walk to and from the library, lol), and a pair of socks...i rotate Anything you plan to work on this summer? the baby sweater will get a pair of booties and a tam to match. i'll prolly knit more socks, more winter accessories, tops, etc.
8. What is your favorite FO? (Post a pic if you would like.) if the baby sweater comes out, that will become my favorite
9. What is your oldest UFO? a camisole i have half-finished from January
10. Are there any techniques that you want to learn? too many to list!
11. Are you on Ravlery? What's your ID? SaucyMinx
12. Are you a sock knitter? What are your foot measurements? You'd think i'd know this, lol...i wear a size 7-8, so usually the directions given as default for a sock pattern are right on
13. Do you collect anything? Wonder Woman paraphanelia
14. Do you have a yarn winder and/or swift? yes, both
15. Do you love sweets? What are your favorites? caramel, Haribo gummi-anything
16. What are your favorite scents? floral
17. Where do you keep your needles/hooks? heh, all over the place!
18. Do you have a wishlist (Amazon, Etsy, etc?) i have one on amazon:
19. Having a birthday this summer? nope, it was in march
20. Are you allergic to anything??? Please let your pal know! nothing relevant
28 May 2008
Knitter's Holiday Swap: Worldwide Knit in Public Day
Don't the goodies look pretty together in the box -- maybe it's goofy, but I think the colors look so nice together!

my delightful stash for Worldwide Knit in Public Day from the Knitter's holiday swap! wow, i really made out! check out the yummy chocolates, the Mary Engelbreit goodies, the patterns, the tote, the yarn, and the beautiful necklace & stitchmarkers!! score!

and a not-so-hot close-up of the necklace & stitch markers:

May Flowers Swap
there's also a sweet little crocheted flower -- i'm going to felt a bag soon and use it as the decoration for it :)

20 May 2008
Guilty Pleasures/Good Karma Round 1

Karen was generous enough to send me some yummy Manos del Uruguay for a project on my knitting queue and some super pretty indy yarn from PA! Here is a close up:

Not only did she send me all kinds of sweet treats & knitting goodies, she was thoughtful enough to send me some medieval patterns!! How cool is this?!

yarns 011
Originally uploaded by Saucy Minx Knits
Here is the stash I received from Kariola, all the way from Sweden!
Not only did she include lots of fab yarn and chocolate (I already ate one of the bars, so it doesn't appear herein, lol), she also sent me all kinds of neat things she had crocheted and knitted, including three tribbles (potscrubbers), a dishtowel, and two hairbands :)
there are also some other little goodies, including DPNs, lavender incense, a lipstick case filled with stitch markers and an adorable pincushion!! thanks, Carola!! i hope you'll be receiving my package soon!

yarns 009
Originally uploaded by Saucy Minx Knits
Here is a box of items I knitted for Warm Woolies. I sent it to them last month & am getting another box ready to send now.
I went to an academic conference last weekend & as I was walking around knitting, I had people come up to me and ask what I was working on. It gave me great pleasure to evangelize about Warm Woolies, so I hope more and more people will be knitting for them now :)
19 May 2008
Mmmmalabrigo swap goodies!!
01 May 2008
Quick Knit Swaps -- April

yarns 015
Originally uploaded by Saucy Minx Knits
ooooh, look at all the yumminess!!!
Quick Knits Swap -- April -- from my partner TrishaKnittin
some yummy Crystal Palace cotton blends perfects for summer & the most delicious Tilly Thomas silk in red; tons of dark chocolate in color-coordinated foil; an apply pie candle that smells heavenlyl Addi bamboo circ needle, a pattern for a really pretty tank & also some gorgeous crystal & butterfly stitch markers!!

Originally uploaded by Saucy Minx Knits
Here is the entire package of goodies from the Knewbie Kit swap for April.
I had the bestest swap partner evah, JaimeJune!!! THank you!!!

yarns 009
Originally uploaded by Saucy Minx Knits
Are these labels cute or what?!
Received from my Knewbie Kit Swap partner in April, JaimeJune @ ravelry!!
21 April 2008

Beads and Bags II swap
Originally uploaded by Saucy Minx Knits
My goodies from my swap partner for the Monthly Adventures swap -- how awesome is this??? i ADORE the color she chose!!! absolutely perfect!
and yum, some of my fave chocolates (i like to think of them as a little orgasm in gold wrapping)
07 April 2008
More WW knitting
i also knit a dishcloth yesterday, but the pattern was seriously messed up, so although i finished it, it looks nothing like the picture of what it's supposed to look like! i already started another one from a different pattern and will post pictures soon. the dishcloth is for a swap.
26 March 2008
Socks for Warm Woolies
24 March 2008
Good Karma swap; Charity Knitting
that looks fairly popular so far & I'm so happy about that. In it, we swap some of the little luxuries that make fiber arts so delicious, but at the same time, we knit/crochet something for a charity called Warm Woolies.
I started knitting a pair of Largish socks for them over the weekend & hope to finish them tonight.
I was inspired to start the swap after coming across the LovePurl site founded by the list owner of the Sexy Knitters Club. It's nice to knit for folks who may actually appreciate the things I/we make :)
18 March 2008
Needles galore!!
Now I'm going to go through my other needles and destash
17 March 2008
Got my Ravelry invite!!
Then, of course, instead of working on writing-related things, I spent most of the day setting up my Ravelry notebook, especially the stash -- 30-odd yarns stashes thus far, whew! I have so much yarn that it'll be nice to actually be able to *see* what I've got, lol.