26 March 2008

Socks for Warm Woolies

Well, I finished my first pair of socks for Warm Woolies last night whilst watching Dancing with the Stars.

The cuffs are a little funny looking because I had to go back and add on to the them, since I misread the pattern originally. Oh well!! They now fold over perfectly :)

24 March 2008

Good Karma swap; Charity Knitting

So, I started a new swap on Ravelry called Guilty Pleasures/Good Karma
that looks fairly popular so far & I'm so happy about that. In it, we swap some of the little luxuries that make fiber arts so delicious, but at the same time, we knit/crochet something for a charity called Warm Woolies.

I started knitting a pair of Largish socks for them over the weekend & hope to finish them tonight.

I was inspired to start the swap after coming across the LovePurl site founded by the list owner of the Sexy Knitters Club. It's nice to knit for folks who may actually appreciate the things I/we make :)

18 March 2008

Needles galore!!

yay for me! i just received my order for a complete set of ADDI Turbos in 16" & 24", woohoo!!! I ordered them from England & they were so much less than if I had bought them individually at my LYS.

Now I'm going to go through my other needles and destash

17 March 2008

Got my Ravelry invite!!

Well, I *finally* got my Ravelry invite, yay!!! I've been impatiently waiting for it for about a week, but I finally got lucky yesterday :)

Then, of course, instead of working on writing-related things, I spent most of the day setting up my Ravelry notebook, especially the stash -- 30-odd yarns stashes thus far, whew! I have so much yarn that it'll be nice to actually be able to *see* what I've got, lol.